Looking Back, Moving Forward

 When I began LIS 724/EDU 776, I had high hopes yet more modest expectations regarding my personal evolution throughout the course. I was particularly hoping to learn how to use more digital platforms and other technologies, and certainly how to apply them to my library profession, yet I was afraid that I either wouldn't learn them effectively or I wouldn't be as capable of applying them as I hoped. This right here, in fact, is how I described my preexisting skills, and how capable I believed I'd be in learning futher technical skills in this course.

Image Source: Tenor

Yet I totally underestimated myself and my capacity to not only learn, but apply what I learned in this course professionally. First of all, I learned how to blog and use social media in not only a professional manner, but an efficient one as well. But my favorite tool was probably the various platforms which could be used to create our own websites, specifically Google Sites in my case. I went into that particular assignment afraid especially that I would mess it up. Instead, I was able to learn how to use the features there in an effective way, and I'm genuinely pleased with what I produced there.

Going forward, I intend to use the new technical skills I've learned in this course to great effect in my remaining courses this semester before I graduate in August. I especially plan to use them in desigining my ePortfolio. What you see below reflects my changed mindset compared to the start of the semester.
Image Source: Tenor


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